Spring Frolicking with Puppies – Celebrating the year of the dog with works by leading artists | 逗犬嬉春—名家賀歲畫狗聯展
DaGuan Gallery, Taipei | 台北大觀藝術空間
3 Mar - 15 Apr 2018
DaGuan Gallery, Taipei | 台北大觀藝術空間
3 Mar - 15 Apr 2018
January- Participated Artist in Residence organized by all that we are in Tasmania, Australia
CHRISTIE'S Asian Contemporary Art (Day Sale) | 佳士德 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
HKCEC Convention Hall 香港會議展覽中心
28 May 2017
HKCEC Convention Hall 香港會議展覽中心
28 May 2017
本次展覽以《The Immovable Feast 盛宴》為題,展出張惠文最新「新工筆」系列創作,並邀請香港著名雕塑家馮力仁透過木雕的溫潤與力度,一同演繹「情感」一題。對生活與自然環境具有獨到體察的張惠文,利用「新工筆」的縝密細膩捕捉毫無型制體例的感情狀態,以溫煦的色調烘托出場場盛宴間彼此的牽絆與相聚的熱絡,無論是作品《明將壽司》中共品美味與辛澀的貓兒,或者是《暖暖南瓜湯》裡相互依偎的海獺,藝術家藉由仿擬人生的動物型態描繪日常裡最尋常卻也最真摯的情愫。隨著聖誕佳節與新年的到臨,Bluerider ART以《The Immovable Feast》擺起的不散筵席溫暖你的心。
The theme of The Bird Catchers sets on the hunting of birds due to predator's fascination for the beauties and freedom represented by these flying friends. The human hunting for birds and birds hunting for their own kinds are embodied as a metaphor for Eunice Cheung to criticize the selfish and unlimited desire and greed. In aid with the meticulously drawn details and generous palette, Eunice dedicated her genuine observations of birds into her paintings. What differentiates her art practice from ancient royal painters is the seamless blend of surrealistic connotations into her seemingly poetic paintings. The peaceful and calmed composition of Eunice's works is often filled with an indistinct sense of uncertainty.
The Spirit of Ink: 12 Hong Kong Artists | 一墨相承:香港藝術家十二人展
Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery, Hong Kong | 香港蘇富比藝術空間
7 Jun - 28 Jun 2013
Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery, Hong Kong | 香港蘇富比藝術空間
7 Jun - 28 Jun 2013
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is proud to present The Spirit of Ink: 12 Hong Kong Artists, a group exhibition that offers the forward thinking viewpoints on ink art through the creativity of young artists based in Hong Kong: Halley CHENG, CHEUNG Wai Man Eunice, CHOI Yuk Kuen Bouie, KOON Wai Bong, KWOK Ying, KWONG Wing Kwan, LEE Chin Fai Danny, LEUNG Ka Yin Joey, SU Sai Kee Angela, WAI Pong Yu, WONG Yee Ki, and WONG Chung Yu.
As a city that embraces foreign ideas and cultures, Hong Kong offers the ideal platform for the most avant-garde experimentations. Since the mid-20th Century, Hong Kong artists have been in the forefront of contemporary Chinese art. Imbedded within a colonial framework is a unique cultural and aesthetic value rich in tradition and repertoire making Hong Kong one of the most dynamic regions of modern and contemporary Chinese art. The selected artists in the present exhibition belong to a generation raised in a culturally pluralistic society. They have been witnesses to the rapid transformations in the ever-changing Hong Kong landscape. The works in this exhibition focus on the artists’ perspectives on the relationship between ink art and local cultural phenomena. Some evoke nostalgia for the past, while others approach their subject matter with a sense of humor and a realm of their personal imagination. Their perspectives are varied yet there is a bond shared through the tradition of ink art. This fresh approach to medium and form, from paintings, sculptures, photography to video installation, offers a spirit that exemplifies a new identity of Hong Kong. Venue Sotheby's Hong Kong Gallery, 5/F One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong Website www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/2013/spirit-of-ink-hk0501.html |
CONNECT - Hong Kong Contemporary Art Exhibition and Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction |《繫》-當代藝術展及香港癌症基金會慈善拍賣
Fine Art Asia 2012 | 3 Oct - 7 Oct
It is scientifically proven that the entire human race is connected. We all share a common thread, joined by our emotions, experiences and empathy. This year, CONNECT brings together the work of more than 20 contemporary artists, who reflect on the links that bind us all.
This year, Hong Kong Cancer Fund celebrates its 25th Anniversary of providing free information, professional guidance and peer support to anyone living with or affected by cancer. In honour of this milestone, CONNECT will donate proceeds from an artwork charity auction towards Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s free services, in particular, their peer support network that unites all those touched by cancer – helping patients and their families gain strength through support. Venue Fine Art Asia 2012- Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Booths P12 Website www.cancer-fund.org/en/press_centre_latest_news_42.html |
"Hong Kong inVisible" - Group Exhibition of 15 HK artists
Schoeni Art Gallery | 10 May- 30 Jun
Schoeni Art Gallery | 10 May- 30 Jun
Nicole Schoeni invited Eric Leung, one of the most acclaimed local art curators, to showcase the local art scene as a whole, and to select a representative group of artists who illustrate the culture and specificities of Hong Kong. Eric chose among the already established starling local talents and the emerging artists. What they have in common is that they all grew up in Hong Kong and graduated from local colleges and universities. Most of them are also engaged with the community and have collaborated to or created public art projects. For the majority of them, the focus of their works illustrate concerns for the density of the population, exhaustion of natural resources and destruction of the environment and the disconnect human beings suffer from, both with Nature and among themselves.
Artists Chan Sim • Cheung Wai Man Eunice • Fung Lik Yan Kevin • Graphic Airlines • Ho Siu Nam South • Hung Keung • Kum Chi Keung • Lam Laam Jaffa • Lam Tung Pang • Li Chi Tak • Man Fung Yi • Mok Wai Hong Gary • Mok Yat San • Tsang Chi Wai William • Tsang Chui Mei 陳閃.張惠文.馮力仁.Graphic Airlines.何兆南.洪強.甘志強.林嵐.林東鵬.利志達.文鳯儀.莫偉康.莫一新.曾志威.曾翠薇 Venue Schoeni Main Gallery and 8 Chancery Lane Website http://schoeni.com.hk/web/component/option,com_schoeni/id,208/view,eventdetails/ |
One of the leading woman ink painters, Eunice Wai-man Cheung is the latest proponent in the gongbi fine brush painting tradition. Meticulously drawn and precisely painted, Cheung's painting captivates the audience with its fine craftsmanship and clever exploration in the bourgeoisie experiences in Hong Kong . The life of this metropolis is, however, captured under the most surrealistic light. Instead of white collar workers or city slickers, penguins, zebra, elephants are central characters that frequent street corners, grocery shops or waiting at bus stops. No longer have zoo captives, these animals occupied this city and their narratives are interesting and equally captivating.
The natural environment and its inhabitants have always been the central theme of Cheung's works. She has produced series of paintings that concern environmental and animal protections. In this newest collection, animals are used to perform human activities and they possess expressions that are ironic and cynical. The artist believes that our environment and its inhabitants are under serious threat. In order to bring attention to the pertinent issues, she uses her painting as a silent protest to various human actions. The combination of animal behaviors and human expressions creates provocative metaphors that at first glance appear humorous but are in fact subtly subversive. Aside from the surrealistic beauty of her paintings, it is the artist's intention to address her profound and solemn concerns.
Henry Au-yeung
January 2012
The natural environment and its inhabitants have always been the central theme of Cheung's works. She has produced series of paintings that concern environmental and animal protections. In this newest collection, animals are used to perform human activities and they possess expressions that are ironic and cynical. The artist believes that our environment and its inhabitants are under serious threat. In order to bring attention to the pertinent issues, she uses her painting as a silent protest to various human actions. The combination of animal behaviors and human expressions creates provocative metaphors that at first glance appear humorous but are in fact subtly subversive. Aside from the surrealistic beauty of her paintings, it is the artist's intention to address her profound and solemn concerns.
Henry Au-yeung
January 2012
Animals in this exhibition discover their individual “rainbow”. They feel delighted, then infatuated, and eventually they cannot let go of this uncontrollable desire for this beautiful but illusory “rainbow”. At the end what has left are just confusion and lament.
Moon and rainbow appear in the same misty night, dreamy and delusive. There are stories about crushing, obsession, irrationality and lost.
Moon and rainbow appear in the same misty night, dreamy and delusive. There are stories about crushing, obsession, irrationality and lost.
Ink Art In the New Century | 《水墨新世紀》畫展
Exhibition Gallery of Hong Kong Central Library | 05-09 Jan 2011
This exhibition features the works by the born-after-80s, the born-before-40s, the veterans, the fresh graduates, the avant-gardists, the traditionalists, theprofessional artists and the amateur-artists. We all come together with divergent artistic views, standing in the now and envisioning a bright future.
這裡有80後,也有40前;有久享盛名的大師,也有初露鋒芒的新秀;有前?的追波逐浪,也有傳統的守中求變;有精英的超群技藝,也有業餘的不改癡情。通過錯配的比對,我們環顧當下,憧憬未來。 參展畫家 Artists 王無邪 WUCIUS WONG 伍月柳 CHIU NG YUET LAU 吳苑瑩 RUTH, NG YUEN YING 周晉 ZHOU JIN 派瑞芬 NINA PRYDE 胡之杰 WUJI, WOO CHI KIT 馬達為 MA TAT WAI 張惠文 EUNICE, CHEUNG WAI MAN 梁依廷 LEUNG YEE TING 梁家儀 LEUNG KA YI 麥羅武 LOUIS MAK 黃向藝 WONG XIANG YI 黃孝逵 WONG HAU KWEI 黃綺琪 WONG YEE KI 萬青屴 WAN QINGLI 管偉邦 KOON WAI BONG 練君誠 LIN KWAN SHING 潘振華 POON CHUN WAH 鄧啟耀 TANG KAI YIU 賴筠婷 LAI KWAN TING 簡志雄 KAN CHI HUNG |
The Art of CUHK 2010 | Could you give me some water? - Postgraduation exhibition
中大藝術 - 研究生畢業展《給我一杯水》
Eunice Cheung would like to share her feelings about animals in news headlines through Chinese gongbi (fine-brush) Painting. For instance, there was a heart-tugging scene borne by a chance encounter in the charred landscape of Australia's deadly wildfires: a koala sipping water from a bottle offered by a firefighter. "It was amazing; he turned around, sat on his bum and sort of looked at me... like, put me out of my misery."
張惠文的《給我一杯水》以中國工筆繪畫道出新聞故事中小動物的處境,探討動物和人類的相處關係。例如澳洲森林大火中消防員為倖存的樹熊送上窩心的涼水,"牠看著我,樣子像是說 : 我跑不動了,我很痛,幫幫我吧。" Venue 地點 3/F, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK 中大新亞書院誠明館三樓 Dates 日期 2010.05.29 - 2010.07.11 Mon-Sun 10:00am - 5:00pm *Closed on public holidays 星期一至日 上午10:00至下午5:00 公眾假期閉館 |
The 4th Chung Chi Christian Festival | 第四屆崇基基督教文化節
Exhibition of Contemporary Christian Art | 當代基督宗教藝術作品展
Exhibition of Contemporary Christian Art | 當代基督宗教藝術作品展