距今300多年前,生於義大利米蘭的耶穌會傳教士Giuseppe Castiglione(1688-1766)來華傳教並取名為「郎世寧」。郎世寧雖以傳教士身分來華,後來卻因其卓越精湛畫藝而成為專職的宮廷畫家,服務於清代康熙(1661-1722)、雍正(1723-1735)、乾隆(1736-1795)三朝,長達51年。他的畫風以西方油畫技巧為主,兼融中國傳統繪畫技巧;他的作品開創中國畫壇新視野,因而在異鄉大放異彩。
2015年是意大利傳教士郎世寧(1688-1766)來華300周年,臺北的國立故宮博物院(故宮)90周年的院慶,故宮除了舉辦「神筆丹青:郎世寧來華三百年特展」展出郎世寧的文物外,還與香港城市大學攜手合作,以創新的數位科技於「藝域漫遊-郎世寧新媒體藝術展」再現郎世寧的經典作品,向這位對中國繪畫影響深遠的傳教士致敬。 展覽取名「藝域漫遊」,因它運用4G漫遊科技,以虛實結合的手法,讓觀眾透過智慧型行動或穿戴裝置穿越時空,體驗郎世寧的美學。配合展覽的主題,創意媒體學院邵志飛講座教授等專家特別為這次展覽創作了三件別具特色的展品:探索郎世寧世界之花鳥走獸、百駿圖畫室、虛擬畫瓶花。張惠文受城大邀請合作,為「探索郎世寧世界之花鳥走獸」新媒體展品繪製畫作。 國立故宮博物院亦與義大利聖十字教堂合作,展出「郎世寧新媒體藝術展」,將郎世寧畫藝成就帶回其故鄉展出。 As 2015 marked the tricentennial of Castiglione’s arrival in China, National Palace Museum in Taiwan (NPM) is also holding “Portrayals from a Brush Divine: A Special Exhibition on the Tricentennial of Giuseppe Castiglione’s Arrival in China”. Part of the celebratory activities for the 90th anniversary of National Palace Museum in Taiwan (NPM), the new media art exhibition re-creates exquisite works by Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766) using digital technology to pay special tribute to the missionary who had such a profound impact on Chinese painting. Using 4G mobile technology, the new media exhibition enables a virtual and physical presentation of Castiglione’s artworks. With smart actions or devices, viewers can travel back in time to appreciate Castiglione’s aesthetic style. The three creative exhibits specially produced by Chair Professor Jeffrey Shaw and other artists at CityU’s School of Creative Media are: “Explore the Flora and Fauna of Castiglione”, “Let’s Paint One Hundred Horses” and “Castiglione’s Virtual Flowers”. Artist Eunice CHEUNG Wai Man is invited to produce a painting for the new media work "Explore the Flora and Fauna of Castiglione". The new media show also traveled back to Italy, the home town of Castiglione and be exhibited in Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, Italy from 31 Oct 2015 to 31 Jan 2016. |
Exhibiting in Basilica of Santa Corce, Italy 意大利展出
Interview of Project director 訪談展品策劃人